obstruction light for wind power and offshore


Much of our delivery scope is made to the wind power industry. We successfully develop and produce complete solutions for wind energy plants since 1999.

Overview - obstruction lights for wind energy

  • AOL 306.2016-W ES for wind energy

    medium intensity obstruction light

    flash light,100/170cd red, powder coated aluminium

  • AOL 303-2006-B for wind energy

    medium intensity obstruction light

    flash light, type B, 2.000cd red, GPS module

  • AOL 304-2006-A/B wind energy

    medium intensity obstruction light

    flash light, type A and B, 20.000cd white 2.000cd red

  • AOL 305 - ES for wind energy

    medium intensity obstruction light

    flash light,
    type W red ES,
    170-255cd red

  • AOL 304-2006-A/W wind energy

    medium intensity obstruction light

    flash light, type A, 20.000cd white flash light, type W, 170-255cd red

  • AOL 304-2006-A/W ES wind energy

    medium intensity obstruction light W

    flash light, typ A und W ES, powder-coated aluminum

  • AOL 305-2016-W wind energy

    medium intensity obstruction light W

    flash light, type W, 100-170cd red flash light